Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Climbing Mountains

Each of us has one...a mountain we need to climb or have God move in our lives. It could be getting over something someone has done to you. Maybe it's a physical affliction that just keeps you from doing alot of the things you enjoy. It could be that you are in a place where you are waiting for God to move because you don't want to make a decision you might regret. Where ever you are God is there. I know that He can move mountains..In Eph.3.20 it says "God is able to do more than we imagine or even dream of, infinately beyond our highest hopes, dreams and desires." So why are we letting something stand in our way? All things are possible with God. He created everything we will ever see, taste, touch, smell and experience. We need to remember to pray everyday. We need to reach His word and know the promises are there. Most importantly we need to trust Him and expect that not only can He resolve this situation but that He will.

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