Thursday, October 28, 2010

Catching UP!

Been a very busy year and has continued to be so into fall. I've finished one book, started another, promoted two books,and released one. Things have been busy at my tv job and I signed up to do a documentary on The Underground Railroad in the county I live in. Wow! On top of that my son started kindergarten. So you can understand the lack of updates lately..right?

I've started writing "Healer" and so far it's been pretty rough. I can write about the pain but the healing parts aren't coming along so well yet. It's easy to understand pain because we all are going through it in one area or another but explaining how God can heal you from it without over stating the pain is proving to be extremely difficult. I could use some prayer for that.

Promoting the books hasn't been so easy either. It's hard getting people who don't know you to read your work. I'm learning and I feel much more comfortable with it now than I did. I send the books out to be reviewed and sometimes I expect to have someone just tear it to pieces so I can finally get that over with. So far everyone has enjoyed what they have read and some have cried, others have said it was exactly what churches should be talking about, still a few have found it simple but enjoyable, etc.

God give us all talents and time. We need to be wise stewards of both as well as everything He gives us. We only have so much time after all.

God Bless you.

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