Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tough Times

I have been very busy as of late with a great deal of changes going on in life. Ohio passed a law that will go into effect on Sept. 23, 2007 that will cripple public access television. I currently work in public access and it's a very difficult time now for everyone involved. I have been expecting word on my custody trial for my son. It could happen any day and the magistrate seemed to be ready to send my son to me full time, he currently stays with me 3 days a week. Despite the True Ghost Stories from Ohio series not being a very Godly project I have learned a great deal and plan to apply it in all my ministries. I preached my first Sunday sermon last month and look forward to what God has for me and my family. Please pray for me and my son that we walk according to God's will not man's will and that we walk through the doors he has opened.


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