Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Where am I?

It's hard to believe that one day you wake up and wonder how you got there. Today started as one of those days for me. I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the person standing

Far too often and much too easily we can have pride, grudges and just about every other bad thing raise up in our lives and take hold. The big question becomes did we even notice them latching on?

Today I got up and noticed these things crawling all over me and knew I needed to clean them off. I prayed about it and hope that I begin to remove these negative things from my life.

It is so easy to become bitter, angry or just not want anything to do with people because of one thing they did that hurt us. Why do we hold on to it? What gives us a right to do that? Nothing but selfishness!

Today I hope to throw those things away and feel free of negative feelings and actions again! I hope you will as well.

Remember God sent a sinless son to die for all of us so that we could be forgiven! So let's forgive too!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


You can now download my newest book "Warrior" as well as "Thankful To Be Useful" and "He's The Pen, I'm The Paper" in ebook form on my website in the links section. Today is the first day "Warrior is available and hopefully I will be getting it in paperback soon!!!


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Plenty to to again!!

God is opening so many doors right now I'm not sure how I will ever get them all done! In Your timing God!!

Ok finishing up the documentary and showing the first 20 minutes at UC Clermont on June 14th. Just need the credits and it's done!

Teaching at the Ohio Center for Broadcasting the next two weeks.

Putting to together the table of contents and making a cover for "Warrior"!!

Shooting a music video!

Request to do another music video!

Shooting with a corporate client!

And somewhere in all that taking a vacation and celebrating my son's birthday!

God grant me the time to keep up with everything!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Getting Things Done!

Finally I'm finishing up a few projects! Thank You God for giving me the time to get them done!

I will have my documentary "Candlelight By Night" finished up this weekend with the voice over and credits done. A 20 minute preview will be happening at the University of Cincinnati Clermont County campus on June 14th at 7pm. Very excited to have that happening!

"Warrior" has been delayed due to editing. I'm hoping to have some news on that front very soon.

I've been plugging away on "Healer" my book that appears to be on track for a release in 2012 unless something unforeseen happens and it comes out this year!

Some great faith based movies are coming out soon!! "Courageous" from the church that made the movies "Flywheel", "Facing the Giants", and "Fireproof" is due out this fall. In theater's now is "Soul Surfer".

It's been a great year so far!!!

God bless you! Please keep the people in Japan, along the Mississippi, and other areas where natural disasters are occurring in your prayers.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Free Ebooks!

I've decided to make ebook copies of He's The Pen, I'm the Paper and Thankful To Be Useful available for free. Download links below....,I%27mThePaper.pdf

Friday, March 25, 2011

Slowing down

I've been a bit negligent in posting updates so here we go.

I have been forcing myself to slow down a bit and get a few things finished and put one on hold for a month or so.

Warrior is being run through the editing paces. I've gone over it quite a few times and made more changes in verb tenses and using different words than ever before. It is my best work to date. Right now it's in the hands of Jim Mohr who does my website and has edited some of my work in the past. He's a true life saver and great friend.

I have been very slow to get to work on documentary I'm at least done with the interviews and I've been dragging my feet on the reenactments. It's not been easy to get that figured out.

God has been very good to me in seeing more positive reviews come up on my books on He has also opened a few doors for me and opened up my heart more than it has been in 8 or 9 years. He's surrounded me with many great friends and helped me to mature in many ways. There is no better feeling than to know that God is still working in your life and that He is still there everyday.

God bless each and everyone who reads this..encourage them, inspire them, comfort them, and keep them safe. Amen

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ready for a break

Been way too busy for words....Ok so lets start the rundown.

I've finished shooting all the interviews for the Underground Railroad documentary I'm working on. Very good news. Now it's on to the other parts such as reenactments, music and narrator. Still a ton to do to get this thing ready to release in May/June 2011.

I have another documentary coming up with my girlfriend on steamboat travel on the ohio river. Not much started their yet but some good sources aren't too far off.

"Warrior" is going through the editing and formatting process. I plan to make it available in paperback and ebook. Which brings me to a decision I've been thinking about quite a bit. I am going to try to release all my books in ebook/pdf for free on a few websites to be named later. I just got a nook and think it would be great to have them available for free since the nook can read pdfs.

Finally I'm turning 31 on friday and hope that means I can get a little bit of a break and get some sleep. I've been very busy and could really use the rest.

Blessings to everyone! God is in control.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Busy Bee

I've been crazy busy so much so that I've not been updating as much as I wish I could.

I've been finishing up interviews for my Underground Railroad Documentary "Candlelight By Night" with the National Underground Freedom Center.

I have had the pleasure of helping out Williamsburg High School get their video production equipment and program up in quality. They have fantastic students, faculty, and superintendent.

I plan on getting my third book edited very soon and released this summer.

God is moving. I need to spend much more time with Him. I am just a man but He is the creator of the universe. He's in control. Not me. Please keep me in your prayers.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No Such Thing

There is no such thing as enough prayer. We all need it..not just for ourselves but for everyone. Someone is always hurting, living, dying, healing, and breaking. As men and women of God it is our duty and privilege.

None of us are perfect no matter how well our lives are going in our minds. Let God keep us in humility, honesty, integrity, truth, and peace. We will all be accountable one day before God. That day can very easily be today.

Lord please help us to live lives that bring glory to You. Let us remember to build Your kingdom and not just our own. Give us eyes that see that which You desire of us. Help us to hunger and thirst for You and not the world and what it offers. God open our hearts and ears to listen, love, and be willing to do Your will. Please help us to build up and not tear down. Help us to be aware of our words and thoughts and how they effect others. God please help us to know that we are not alone and that our ways are not always the best way but Your way is. Lord we ask these things in Jesus name.