As we wind down to the end of the year did you get everything you had planned done? Do you have any regrets? Were there some distractions on the way?
This year I've achieved more than I usually do in a year. I published a second version of "He's the Pen, I'm the Paper, and first version of "Thankful to be Useful." I finished writng "Warrior" and have a good start on "Healer." I got to shoot a music video with a great and talented artist "Appointed" for Georgia. I started a documentary on the Underground Railroad about the most recognized county for spots on the Underground Railroad. Professionally it was a fantastic year!
Personally God opened many doors I've been praying about for quite a while. My health has improved dramatically as have many of my abilities. God is so good!
Thank you God for all that you did this year! I know that each year can't be like this but I thank you for it and hope that I will be thankful for it as the New Year begins.
Don't wait for the new year to start!! Start praying about next year and what God would have you do!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Shooting an interview with Clermont County Historical Society Memeber Gary Knepp for the Underground Railroad Documentary!! Really looking forward to getting some great info today and having another piece of this very large project completed.
I've been consumed with this project quite a bit. Lots of time thinking about shooting and trying my best to get everything covered. Plenty of time setting up lighting and making sure everything is in working order.
I've been consumed with this project quite a bit. Lots of time thinking about shooting and trying my best to get everything covered. Plenty of time setting up lighting and making sure everything is in working order.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
New Review
New book review in the cypress times for He's the Pen, I'm the Paper.
New book review in the cypress times for He's the Pen, I'm the Paper.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Research and Thanksgiving
Blessings to everyone. Things are going very well on many project fronts.
I've got a few days of shooting down on my Underground Railroad Documentary tomorrow is a research day. My girlfriend Melissa has been a huge help and her ideas always give me another way to look at things to keep me thinking. I've been looking through a book published in 1898 for some background info and many more are yet to come.
I did a poetry reading with some great poets at the Anderson Center Fri. the 19th and met a lot of wonderful people. God is good!
I have continued writing on "Healer" and actually recited a few poems from it recently. It's a book that is an encouragement and more open to nonbelievers than I think any of my projects have ever been.
Finally...Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and please if you know someone over seas in the military that cant be home give them a call.
I've got a few days of shooting down on my Underground Railroad Documentary tomorrow is a research day. My girlfriend Melissa has been a huge help and her ideas always give me another way to look at things to keep me thinking. I've been looking through a book published in 1898 for some background info and many more are yet to come.
I did a poetry reading with some great poets at the Anderson Center Fri. the 19th and met a lot of wonderful people. God is good!
I have continued writing on "Healer" and actually recited a few poems from it recently. It's a book that is an encouragement and more open to nonbelievers than I think any of my projects have ever been.
Finally...Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and please if you know someone over seas in the military that cant be home give them a call.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Here is one poem from the book I'm writing "Healer"
Scars Run Deeper Than The Skin
He got off the plane,
And one war veteran shakes his hand,
But then another person shouts,
He continues walking,
If you can call it that,
He's missing his right leg from the knee down,
The prosthetic is still taking some getting used to,
After retrieving his bag,
He heads out to rent a car,
Because he never owned one before he left,
Times we tough,
And his single mom didn't have the money,
She died two weeks after he left,
A blood clot she kept putting off going to the doctor for,
Because she didn't have the money,
He gets behind the wheel,
Broken from the war,
Scars visible on his body,
From an IDE,
But nothing compared to the scars on the inside,
He's alone,
And he has to deal with the nightmares,
The other troops that didn't get to come home,
People he ate with,
Slept in the same room with,
Gone forever,
He's got to be strong,
Find a way to get all this pain out!
Suicide has crossed his mind a few times,
But he's not there yet,
He stops at a small mom and pop restaurant,
Then sits at the first table he sees on the right,
The older waitress comes up smiling,
Takes his order,
And begins to walk away,
But turns back,
Looks him in the eye,
And says,
I don't know exactly what you've been through,
But God can make beauty from ashes,
He just stares,
His mind wanders to his past with God,
I don't know anything about Him,
Accept people from a nearby church,
They used to bring food by the house sometimes,
And presents around Christmas,
Those were good people,
But he'd never been to church,
What could God do?
A voice in his head says,
Maybe more than you can think,
Before he finishes thinking,
His food arrives,
You ever been to church?
The waitress asks,
He replies,
And she sits down,
Listening as he asks questions about God,
And when she answers,
She gets up,
And gives him a hug,
But even more,
She gives him hope.
He got off the plane,
And one war veteran shakes his hand,
But then another person shouts,
He continues walking,
If you can call it that,
He's missing his right leg from the knee down,
The prosthetic is still taking some getting used to,
After retrieving his bag,
He heads out to rent a car,
Because he never owned one before he left,
Times we tough,
And his single mom didn't have the money,
She died two weeks after he left,
A blood clot she kept putting off going to the doctor for,
Because she didn't have the money,
He gets behind the wheel,
Broken from the war,
Scars visible on his body,
From an IDE,
But nothing compared to the scars on the inside,
He's alone,
And he has to deal with the nightmares,
The other troops that didn't get to come home,
People he ate with,
Slept in the same room with,
Gone forever,
He's got to be strong,
Find a way to get all this pain out!
Suicide has crossed his mind a few times,
But he's not there yet,
He stops at a small mom and pop restaurant,
Then sits at the first table he sees on the right,
The older waitress comes up smiling,
Takes his order,
And begins to walk away,
But turns back,
Looks him in the eye,
And says,
I don't know exactly what you've been through,
But God can make beauty from ashes,
He just stares,
His mind wanders to his past with God,
I don't know anything about Him,
Accept people from a nearby church,
They used to bring food by the house sometimes,
And presents around Christmas,
Those were good people,
But he'd never been to church,
What could God do?
A voice in his head says,
Maybe more than you can think,
Before he finishes thinking,
His food arrives,
You ever been to church?
The waitress asks,
He replies,
And she sits down,
Listening as he asks questions about God,
And when she answers,
She gets up,
And gives him a hug,
But even more,
She gives him hope.
Monday, November 8, 2010
I just started shooting a documentary on the Underground Railroad in Clermont County Ohio. Very excited about the project. There are so many ways the county was vital and it also has many of the stops still standing in very good condition.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I have an Idea!
I may start shooting a few music video style videos for some of my new poems and maybe a few old ones. There is more than one way to tell a story!!!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
So maybe I was wrong!
Today I have drastically picked up the pace on "Healer". It will probably bring more tears and thought than I have into any project I've ever done. Now I'm not saying the other books aren't wonderful it's just this one is really meant to touch the heart in a very special place.
I've also decided that I needed to tell stories..deep, tragic, healing, helpful stories in this book. My work has never been so focused as it has been on these last two books. I want to touch peoples hearts if they happen to be followers of God good, if not just as good. I want to touch people who have never had any experience with God ever just as much as someone who lives their life for God.
I am working so much harder than I ever have at improving and encouraging others in these books. It's like when you have a camera and are taking a picture sometimes those pictures can be fuzzy and other times they are very very sharp and the details are amazing. With each book the writing is getting sharper.
I know I said it had been a struggle so far but today was a huge breakthrough.
I've also decided that I needed to tell stories..deep, tragic, healing, helpful stories in this book. My work has never been so focused as it has been on these last two books. I want to touch peoples hearts if they happen to be followers of God good, if not just as good. I want to touch people who have never had any experience with God ever just as much as someone who lives their life for God.
I am working so much harder than I ever have at improving and encouraging others in these books. It's like when you have a camera and are taking a picture sometimes those pictures can be fuzzy and other times they are very very sharp and the details are amazing. With each book the writing is getting sharper.
I know I said it had been a struggle so far but today was a huge breakthrough.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Catching UP!
Been a very busy year and has continued to be so into fall. I've finished one book, started another, promoted two books,and released one. Things have been busy at my tv job and I signed up to do a documentary on The Underground Railroad in the county I live in. Wow! On top of that my son started kindergarten. So you can understand the lack of updates lately..right?
I've started writing "Healer" and so far it's been pretty rough. I can write about the pain but the healing parts aren't coming along so well yet. It's easy to understand pain because we all are going through it in one area or another but explaining how God can heal you from it without over stating the pain is proving to be extremely difficult. I could use some prayer for that.
Promoting the books hasn't been so easy either. It's hard getting people who don't know you to read your work. I'm learning and I feel much more comfortable with it now than I did. I send the books out to be reviewed and sometimes I expect to have someone just tear it to pieces so I can finally get that over with. So far everyone has enjoyed what they have read and some have cried, others have said it was exactly what churches should be talking about, still a few have found it simple but enjoyable, etc.
God give us all talents and time. We need to be wise stewards of both as well as everything He gives us. We only have so much time after all.
God Bless you.
I've started writing "Healer" and so far it's been pretty rough. I can write about the pain but the healing parts aren't coming along so well yet. It's easy to understand pain because we all are going through it in one area or another but explaining how God can heal you from it without over stating the pain is proving to be extremely difficult. I could use some prayer for that.
Promoting the books hasn't been so easy either. It's hard getting people who don't know you to read your work. I'm learning and I feel much more comfortable with it now than I did. I send the books out to be reviewed and sometimes I expect to have someone just tear it to pieces so I can finally get that over with. So far everyone has enjoyed what they have read and some have cried, others have said it was exactly what churches should be talking about, still a few have found it simple but enjoyable, etc.
God give us all talents and time. We need to be wise stewards of both as well as everything He gives us. We only have so much time after all.
God Bless you.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Writing again!
Didn't expect it but I started writing my new book"Healer" tonight. God has other plans for me tonight instead of sleeping. Writing away!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Post number 100!
Great news this week! I will be shooting a documentary with local historian Richard Crawford on the Underground Railround in Clermont County, Ohio. Might lead to 2 other projects very soon. Also look for the music video "You Know" I shot for Appointed in the next two weeks.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Completion and Reflection
As of today I have finished writing "Warrior." It's been an incredible journey taking me to new places in my writing and showing me the darker side of our spiritual battles that I don't think we are always aware of.
It's been a very busy year for me. While writing "Warrior" I also worked on ending and restarting "Small Town Coroner" which despite have a great ending left me wanting to know more about the characters and they struggles they may face in having a family.
We all have our struggles and to delve into the fears, ups, and downs was just too tempting to leave alone.
I also shot a music video for Christian recording artist Appointed. It had been several years since we had last made contact but about three weeks ago I got a message on facebook from someone I didn't know wanting to be my friend. Normally I don't say yes but this time I did. She wanted to do a music video for an upcoming album. So I said yes definatly.
So we start off with song selection..which lead to a lot of driving around in my car trying to find pictures,shots and much more to be a music video together. It was a huge adrenaline rush. So I had to slow down and get some research done as the song was selected. My girlfriend Melissa was a huge help during this process.
Next we had to figure out some details of how many people would be involved and when. So a week went by and then we set a date.
Then we got together in Cincinnati to get started. We spent close to eleven hours shooting in different lighting and locations. This pushed me to some places creatively I don't get the chance to go with video very often. So at the end of the day I think we were all pretty spent but had a great time working together.
Instead of shooting more I said I had enough and two days later I edited together the video with the help of Rodney Reed keeping me on the beat when I couldn't and Andy Crosier giving great suggestions to polish the whole project up. This was my first real venture using Final Cut Pro for a project like this.
So in the end everyone loved it and it was my best work. So here I am now trying to come down off the high of the project and relax. Trying to get back to even keel after working on a project like this is no easy task. Please keep me in your prayers and thank you for taking the time to read what I've been up too. Finally thank God for allowing all this to come together.
It's been a very busy year for me. While writing "Warrior" I also worked on ending and restarting "Small Town Coroner" which despite have a great ending left me wanting to know more about the characters and they struggles they may face in having a family.
We all have our struggles and to delve into the fears, ups, and downs was just too tempting to leave alone.
I also shot a music video for Christian recording artist Appointed. It had been several years since we had last made contact but about three weeks ago I got a message on facebook from someone I didn't know wanting to be my friend. Normally I don't say yes but this time I did. She wanted to do a music video for an upcoming album. So I said yes definatly.
So we start off with song selection..which lead to a lot of driving around in my car trying to find pictures,shots and much more to be a music video together. It was a huge adrenaline rush. So I had to slow down and get some research done as the song was selected. My girlfriend Melissa was a huge help during this process.
Next we had to figure out some details of how many people would be involved and when. So a week went by and then we set a date.
Then we got together in Cincinnati to get started. We spent close to eleven hours shooting in different lighting and locations. This pushed me to some places creatively I don't get the chance to go with video very often. So at the end of the day I think we were all pretty spent but had a great time working together.
Instead of shooting more I said I had enough and two days later I edited together the video with the help of Rodney Reed keeping me on the beat when I couldn't and Andy Crosier giving great suggestions to polish the whole project up. This was my first real venture using Final Cut Pro for a project like this.
So in the end everyone loved it and it was my best work. So here I am now trying to come down off the high of the project and relax. Trying to get back to even keel after working on a project like this is no easy task. Please keep me in your prayers and thank you for taking the time to read what I've been up too. Finally thank God for allowing all this to come together.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Never forget
"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them
wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to
look for the one that wandered off? Matthew 18:12
God never gives up on anyone down here! Everyone can be saved! Do we live like it? Is there any reason or excuse you've got in your mind? Let it go!
wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to
look for the one that wandered off? Matthew 18:12
God never gives up on anyone down here! Everyone can be saved! Do we live like it? Is there any reason or excuse you've got in your mind? Let it go!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
After reading about the response to the Americans killed in Afganistan I know it's time to pray. I knew a few people who personally knew one of those people killed. They are really hurting but know that they are with God. As I read post after post of people bashing them saying they had a death wish and shouldn't be forcing people to convert and Jesus on everyone. I can't believe the comments I'm reading.
Hate is spreading towards Christians all over the world. It seems like everyone wants to be tolerant of everything but Christians.
We need to pray like never before. Christians are continually killed, beaten and insulted all over the world. It's in this time we really need to dig deep and trust God. God warned us that this would happen..that we would need to pick up our cross daily and follow after him.
Hate is spreading towards Christians all over the world. It seems like everyone wants to be tolerant of everything but Christians.
We need to pray like never before. Christians are continually killed, beaten and insulted all over the world. It's in this time we really need to dig deep and trust God. God warned us that this would happen..that we would need to pick up our cross daily and follow after him.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Writing and Fear
It has been a productive month for writing. Warrior is really taking form. I'm close to 60 pages in so that's very good. It's been a struggle to keep a writing schedule and stay motivated so the writing has been a little here, not much today, a lot the next day and then a week or so of thinking about the theme of the book. Sticking to the theme has made this a really big challenge but it's great to be stretched and grow.
Do you ever just get scared? When live is going really well or going really bad I hit that point. I just doubt many things that are out of my control. You ever get that feeling?
Is there something like a movie, or place that really scares you?
Do you ever just get scared? When live is going really well or going really bad I hit that point. I just doubt many things that are out of my control. You ever get that feeling?
Is there something like a movie, or place that really scares you?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Tuesday July 13th through the 15th I will be giving away....
1. A paperback version of He's the Pen, I'm the Paper or Thankful to be Useful to the first person to contact me through my website
2. Ebook versions of each book to each person who contacts me.
Good luck to those who are going for the paperback and I look forward to hearing from you.
1. A paperback version of He's the Pen, I'm the Paper or Thankful to be Useful to the first person to contact me through my website
2. Ebook versions of each book to each person who contacts me.
Good luck to those who are going for the paperback and I look forward to hearing from you.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Today Thankful To Be Useful was released in paperback and a 2nd edition of He's The Pen, I'm the Paper through a new publisher so all the necessary corrections from the 1st edition were completed by Jim Mohr who also made my website. Praise God! The paperback versions are available at and in the coming weeks internationally for retailers. Please keep me in your prayers as this happens and pray for the book to reach people worldwide.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Attitude Ajustment
Each day when I get up...I'm not always happy! I know it's a total shock but sometimes pressures and circumstances get to be too much. Something that is sure to give you an attitude adjustment is listening to praise and worship music and reading your bible in the morning. We all need more God. When we focus on Him our problems seem a lot smaller. Another thing that really helps is to pray for others. Life isn't about us. It's about God.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Since 1998 I have written over 700 poems, filled numerous notebooks, hard drives and even a few napkins. I hope that I will able to continue to improve and make eventually be able to make a living off my ability. I intend to take the steps I need to be successful. God please help me to be useful to You and become the man you want me to be.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
What are you reading right now? The bible? A novel? Fiction? Nonfiction?
Right now I'm reading Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul. Now I have read this at least once a year since 2001. I really love this book. It has a lot of great encouraging and heart warming stories spanning from forgiveness to losing a loved one. God is in control in all those circumstances and I love being reminded of that.
Remember it's not always about us because somewhere out there someone is always hurting more.
Enjoy your summer, keep praying, and looking forward to the final destination God has for you.
Right now I'm reading Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul. Now I have read this at least once a year since 2001. I really love this book. It has a lot of great encouraging and heart warming stories spanning from forgiveness to losing a loved one. God is in control in all those circumstances and I love being reminded of that.
Remember it's not always about us because somewhere out there someone is always hurting more.
Enjoy your summer, keep praying, and looking forward to the final destination God has for you.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Update on ebooks
He's The Pen, I'm The Paper and Thankful To Be Useful are both available in ebook format at
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Means Nothing
Success means nothing if you can't share it. Have you ever felt this way? I can make all the money in the world, have notoriety, fans, you name it but what's the point.
The longer I live the more I see that I need people in my life. Friends, family, and of course those who may become family. It's great not just to tell them how you are doing but hearing back. We all need it. Nobody can stand alone!
Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. (NIV, Leviticus 19:18)
You have heard that the law of Moses says, "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy." But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and on the unjust, too. If you love only those who love you, what good is that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. (NLT, Matthew 5:43-48)
The longer I live the more I see that I need people in my life. Friends, family, and of course those who may become family. It's great not just to tell them how you are doing but hearing back. We all need it. Nobody can stand alone!
Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. (NIV, Leviticus 19:18)
You have heard that the law of Moses says, "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy." But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and on the unjust, too. If you love only those who love you, what good is that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. (NLT, Matthew 5:43-48)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I've been writing Warrior at least 4 days a week. It's going a bit slower than I have previously written but doing an entire book on the many wars of our faith and our battles each day needs to be addressed.
Thankful To Be Useful is going to be up on the website very soon.(Just a few edits away)
I've been trying to get my novel going but it's been a struggle. I keep having problems with the order of the story. I've started over 3 times so far.
God is really starting to open a lot of doors for my writing(which is really his). I am hopeful that this year I will have quite a few chances to share my faith and books. You can now find some "mini" sermons I've done on Anderson Community Television here in Ohio.
Stay blessed, encouraged, and faithful friends!
Thankful To Be Useful is going to be up on the website very soon.(Just a few edits away)
I've been trying to get my novel going but it's been a struggle. I keep having problems with the order of the story. I've started over 3 times so far.
God is really starting to open a lot of doors for my writing(which is really his). I am hopeful that this year I will have quite a few chances to share my faith and books. You can now find some "mini" sermons I've done on Anderson Community Television here in Ohio.
Stay blessed, encouraged, and faithful friends!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Please keep this country, families, marriages, children and the government in prayer. They all need God and His protection!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Doubting Thomas?
Do you ever have doubts about your faith? Do you ever wonder if it's too good to be true? When you get let down do you doubt?
I hit those points just like we all do. I build something up in my head that just has to be God but then it doesn't happen and I feel like God didn't live up to his end of the bargain. It's not true but I just look for someone to blame.
We all struggle sometimes. But in a world where everything is online or can be figured out quickly we have a hard not having all the answers. It's hard not being able to understand why everything happens.
There are some things we just can never figure out. God knows what is best. The bible says in Proverbs 14:12
New International Version (©1984)
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
1Chronicles 29:11 Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. 12 Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.
No matter what happens. God is in control!
I hit those points just like we all do. I build something up in my head that just has to be God but then it doesn't happen and I feel like God didn't live up to his end of the bargain. It's not true but I just look for someone to blame.
We all struggle sometimes. But in a world where everything is online or can be figured out quickly we have a hard not having all the answers. It's hard not being able to understand why everything happens.
There are some things we just can never figure out. God knows what is best. The bible says in Proverbs 14:12
New International Version (©1984)
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
1Chronicles 29:11 Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. 12 Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.
No matter what happens. God is in control!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
A Poem from Warrior
Thought I would give you a sneak peak of Warrior.
Sick And Shaken
Every breath is shaky,
Every inch of the body aching,
No more tears left to cry,
The doctor says there is no chance of recovery,
Family is too scared to come,
It hurts to open your eyes,
Your voice is barely a whisper,
But in your mind,
You still pray,
Clutching steadfast to your faith,
No doubting,
You trust God for every breath you breathe,
When the Doctor tells your family to prepare for the worst,
You gain strength,
Breathing becomes easier,
Your eyes get brighter,
And laughter fills your mouth,
Tears run down your face,
You get healed,
In Jesus name.
Sick And Shaken
Every breath is shaky,
Every inch of the body aching,
No more tears left to cry,
The doctor says there is no chance of recovery,
Family is too scared to come,
It hurts to open your eyes,
Your voice is barely a whisper,
But in your mind,
You still pray,
Clutching steadfast to your faith,
No doubting,
You trust God for every breath you breathe,
When the Doctor tells your family to prepare for the worst,
You gain strength,
Breathing becomes easier,
Your eyes get brighter,
And laughter fills your mouth,
Tears run down your face,
You get healed,
In Jesus name.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Another begins
Very early this morning I began writing Warrior. This will be my next faith based poetry book. I am very hopeful that this will help many people and that God's hands will be upon it. I pray that God uses it for His glory. God bless you and keep you and yours safe.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Small Town Coroner has been completed. It's been a wonderful journey of growth for myself and a total joy. I'm very thankful for God to allow me to have anything to do with it.
Thankful to be Useful should be showing up in my store in the next month. It feels great to be on the finishing end of quite a few projects this year.
Thankful to be Useful should be showing up in my store in the next month. It feels great to be on the finishing end of quite a few projects this year.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Open for business
The store is open for business. Right now it only houses He's the Pen, I'm the Paper ebook edition.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Back on track
I'm thankful to finally have some time to get back to the blog. I've been trying to finish up small town coroner, working on the novel which isn't going all that well, getting ebook versions of He's the Pen, I'm the Paper and Thankful to be Useful available on my website. Thankfully my good friend and webmaster of my website Jim Mohr has been extremely helpful and encouraging about it. Jim is a very good friend and by his talents I have been able to reach people online for almost 10 years now. Once the books are up on the website I intend to begin my next book Warrior. Life has been so good and God is really shinning on my life. Thank You God for all the blessing you have placed upon my family, friends, career and my entire life. God bless each and everyone who reads this.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
He's the Pen, I'm the Paper has come to kindle today!!!! It has been reedited with a new cover and reformatted. Very good day to finally have here. A few changes might be coming with availability of it on my website as well as a few others. Thankful to be Useful is just a cover away from being available.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Reaching Further
I've come up with a plan for the ebook version of He's the Pen, I'm the Paper. It is more about ministry than money. I will give anyone world wide the opportunity to sell the ebook and keep the money. I will supply a html file for anyone who wants to sell it for the dollar range of $1.00 to $7.00. As long as people are reading it I'm blessed and being able to help those who are in a financial bind is an even bigger blessing.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Do you ever plan something but get so distracted that it doesn't get done? I've had quite a few things I want to get done. Obviously my ebooks are very important and I haven't delivered. Now I'm looking in the mirror and saying hey it's time to go. God I have got to continue to grow in You. God you are my creator and have done more in my life than I could ever understand. The bible says that "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Nothing is impossible with God." I have got to start showing that in my life. I have got to pick up the slack and get things done. Please keep me in your prayers. I need them so much right now.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Life is moving along
March 4th I turn 30. Hard to believe that much time has passed. Looking at my son I know that it has. I've been busy switching computers, changing Internet connections and finally getting back to writing.
I'm winding down to the end of small town coroner but maybe it will never end. There are always adventures ahead though.
I lost all my work on the novel I've been working on and it's been a struggle to get it moving again. I've one paragraph done. I know the story but getting it written is proving to be a real challenge.
My two poetry ebooks are taking more time than I expected. I'm pretty awful at formatting them correctly and I've found a friend to undertake that. I am very anxious about getting them out. Mentally I'm very geared up for the promotion of them both. I also look forward to working with I know I can trust them and it's not always that way I'm learning the hard way.
Life is going very well and I'm excited about the direction God is taking me. Please keep me in your prayers. It can often be hard staying focus on Him with so many things going on.
I'm winding down to the end of small town coroner but maybe it will never end. There are always adventures ahead though.
I lost all my work on the novel I've been working on and it's been a struggle to get it moving again. I've one paragraph done. I know the story but getting it written is proving to be a real challenge.
My two poetry ebooks are taking more time than I expected. I'm pretty awful at formatting them correctly and I've found a friend to undertake that. I am very anxious about getting them out. Mentally I'm very geared up for the promotion of them both. I also look forward to working with I know I can trust them and it's not always that way I'm learning the hard way.
Life is going very well and I'm excited about the direction God is taking me. Please keep me in your prayers. It can often be hard staying focus on Him with so many things going on.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
We are all Sinners!
1 John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar, and his word in us.
Today I was sick. Physically sick with the flu. I got a phone call I didn't want. I used some very unkind words. I sinned. I tore someone down. It's is so clear that I will never out grow my need for God. I will always be a sinner no matter where I am or who I may become on this planet.
Ask God for forgiveness today. We can never have enough of him in our life. We will always be flawed.
Today I was sick. Physically sick with the flu. I got a phone call I didn't want. I used some very unkind words. I sinned. I tore someone down. It's is so clear that I will never out grow my need for God. I will always be a sinner no matter where I am or who I may become on this planet.
Ask God for forgiveness today. We can never have enough of him in our life. We will always be flawed.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Do you ever get to the point where you have all the bills paid and actually have something left over? Because if you do then you have more than most people in the world. We live in a place where everyone is overspending and many many others are barely surviving. People in countries all around the world are left in situations where there are no jobs and food can be even more scarce. Their homes aren't much more than a bundle of sticks put together. Many are left out in the rain. So before you go and complain about having too many bills..never having enough. Think about those you have nothing. Pray to God and thank Him for everything He's ever done for you to have what you do have. Thank Him that you do have food to eat, a place to live, a vehicle, clothing and so much more. In your abundance don't forget those who have nothing.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Year!
I am very excited for this New Year! I plan on releasing ebook versions of "He's the Pen, I'm the Paper" and "Thankful to Be Useful" on I am hoping to begin my first fiction book this year as well. I know that none of that can happen without God. Please keep me in your prayers. There are many challenges ahead and I'm hopeful for an even better year than last year. God is able to do far more than I can ever imagine or even dream of and I intend to continue to dream big. God Bless!!
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