Thursday, July 30, 2009


I just want to thank everyone(God first) for making this an amazing month. I have had the best month number wise for my website and also the first video blog has been a blessing to quite a few people in just a few days. I am working on another video that I hope to put up next Monday. Let me know if you liked it, loved it or loathed it. I can do nothing with God's help in my life. God bless you and be encouraged...for when you are hurt Jesus hurts too. The shortest verse in the bible sums it up "He wept."

Monday, July 20, 2009

What are we putting in and out?

Whatever we put into our minds is bound to come out. If we spend all our time watching trash tv, listening to Hollywood gossip and some pretty rough stuff on the radio then how to we expect to be Godly? So many people expect God to do something in their lives but they haven't spent the time with God to get there. If we spend time in prayer, reading the Bible and quiet time with God we will reap the fruit of a close relationship with God. When we praise Him no matter what God knows He can use and mold us because we truly want to be in His presence. We have His kingdom mindset. So when you get up everyday and before you go to bed...think about "Did I have His kingdom mindset?"

Friday, July 17, 2009

No Limits on God

I just got back from a 2 hour worship service. Wow! That was an experience. I've never seen anything like that. You know sometimes we put limits on our experience with God. We are used to things being done a certain way. If it's not our way we don't want to receive it. It doesn't work that way. If it stand up to the test of bible then how can we deny the teaching or worship, maybe even the way someone is praying. God doesn't do it your way. That's burger king. When God does things there is a purpose to who He is using who and why. None of us have any right to say that's not God if it stands up in God's word. Try to take down those limits. Pray about it and see if God doesn't open your eyes to much more.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Let them off the hook

Today and Yesterday someone just tore me down. Just insulted and insulted me. You know what I let it go. None of the things this person said were true. So I went to the bible..Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. So I forgave them. You might have someone who just messed up your day or week and you are struggling to forgive them. God can help you do it. There was a man who was ministering in Germany after world war II. He gave an alter call and a man came forward who was in Hitler's army and had been one of the cruelest guards. The man who gave the alter call was in his concentration camp. But something happened nobody expected..He stuck out his hand and said if I can forgive you so can God!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Climbing Mountains

Each of us has one...a mountain we need to climb or have God move in our lives. It could be getting over something someone has done to you. Maybe it's a physical affliction that just keeps you from doing alot of the things you enjoy. It could be that you are in a place where you are waiting for God to move because you don't want to make a decision you might regret. Where ever you are God is there. I know that He can move mountains..In Eph.3.20 it says "God is able to do more than we imagine or even dream of, infinately beyond our highest hopes, dreams and desires." So why are we letting something stand in our way? All things are possible with God. He created everything we will ever see, taste, touch, smell and experience. We need to remember to pray everyday. We need to reach His word and know the promises are there. Most importantly we need to trust Him and expect that not only can He resolve this situation but that He will.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Alone

Sometimes we really feel alone. We hit a place in life where maybe we don't have alot of friends and we start to spend some time alone. You feel like everyone has ....a friend,...a husband..., a wife,...children. You just want what they have. But you aren't in a place that hasn't been lived through before. In truth you are never really alone God is there. You may be thinking yeah but it's not the same. You're right it's not. God never lets us down, He always listens, He always cares, and most importantly always forgives. Don't let this time be a burden to you. Enjoy this time because you might not have it later. This might be the chance you need to really listen to what God has for you to do with your life. Sit with Him in the quiet time. Life isn't always puppies and rainbows but I guarantee you are never alone.


We all need some fellowship in our lives. Men and women of God that can mentor us, teach us, and sometimes just listen. The bible says(paraphrasing here) that if one falls then another is there to pick them up, but woe to the one who falls and no one is there to help them. It can be hard to reach out and open up. But know you will never get up alone.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Never Easy

When you have someone who says their heart is set on really hurts when they don't stick to it. Be careful with the words you use. It can really hurt someone very deeply when they believe it. God is always in control.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


If I had not failed some many times and in so many ways would I be brave enough to succeed? It's a question I ask myself today. I have been ripped apart for some of the decisions I've made and places I failed. I have had people threaten my life for some of them.(which is never a good thing) So after all that and wanting to quit and give up. I found a great deal of success with a new opportunity I had with a new friend. We went out in August 2006 to make a special for the tv station we work in. One month later it was in 1 online store and 1 local border's book store. The sales were amazing. There were actually waiting lists for our dvd. Talk about shock. So then we sat back down and thought to do another. The first dvd in the mean time expanded to include over 10 stores in Ohio including Border's Books, Barns and Noble, Joseph Beth book stores and even gas stations. Our 2nd dvd which we put much more work into was featured on the Today show almost 1 year ago. So after failing in so many things I was strong enough to succeed. I feel like that is how all our lives can be. ...think of all the people in the bible who struggled until they reached out to God.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Update on the Goal

I have written 222 poems this year the goal is 365. Only 143 more to go. I had only written and posted 178 in the 8 years prior. Thank you God.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Don't Let Go

Don't let go of the promises God has given you. These storms will pass. Don't let the enemy discourage you. Nothing is impossible for God...that marriage can be healed, that child will return to God, the bills will be paid, He is still on the throne!! Don't let go just because today was tough or you don't know what tomorrow will bring. God is still there hold tight to Him.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today I woke up with my neck trobbing and a headache. But I know that God can heal me. We all have something that's holding us back or distracting us from our purpose in God. We have to remain focused on God and what He has for us. Not us and our problems. It's so easy to just get caught up in our lives, our pain, our dreams and forget about what God wants. But let me encourage you to stay focused on God, pray for others around you.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Over the Edge

Do you ever get the edge of where God wants you to be and just look? It's hard sometimes for us to trust God. We don't want to get out of our comfort zone and do what we think He is asking of us. Jump off the edge and into what He has for you!!!