Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Year Nears an End

As the year has begun to wind down I've found that this has been the most challenging year of my life. Personally, Financially, My Walk with God, Everything has been difficult. My book may be put on hold for a year due to some issues I'm dealing with. I've been studying for a program I am going through in the School of Biblical Evangilism. It's made by the guys behind the tv show Way of the Master. It's really helped me keep my faith during these difficult times and taught me alot about my relationship with God. The new look of the website is amazing. Jim Mohr did a great job. I'm very pleased with the look and the ease of use for it also. Despite how hard life has been this year God has been good to me in ways I've never seen before. I might end up doing another book once "He's the Pen, I'm the Paper" hits the shelves. I've got one fiction book in mind and another non fiction. It's excited to be doing the things I've always wanted to do. Please keep my son and myself in your prayers.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Busy like a Bee!

It's been a very busy time this year. I can't believe how long it's been since my last blog. So much has happened. "True Ghost Stories from Ohio Volume 2" has been released statewide in Ohio. It can be found in Border's Books and Barnes and Noble locations. I have been doing interviews on tv and some podcasts spreading the word. "He's the Pen, I'm the Paper" is completed with editing. I will be sending it to Xulon Press barring any problems. I hope to have it out by spring 2008. I preached a message on healing at Moscow Church of God. It was an amazing time and God was definately moving. Pastor Lawson of Moscow and myself prayed for the many needs of healing in the body of Moscow. God had his way there because it wasn't me that made that day such a true blessing. I will have my messages up soon on the website. I prefer to do them in audio so if you are listening you can continue to surf the internet. Jim Mohr will be transforming my website to the professional looking site it should be. He has begun a wonderful work. He has designed sites for Bread of Life Christian Center, East Community Church and many more. He is a wonderful friend and a true believer. Please continue to keep me and my son in prayer as there are many changes happening in our lives. I also need prayer for a healthy balance to everything I'm doing in my life and not overdoing it. Blessings and peace to each and everyone who reads this.


Friday, July 27, 2007


Please pray for me and my son. There seems to be a lot of things coming against us right now. I have been fighting for custody of my son who is now three for close to 2 years. During this time he has moved twice with his mother. He had a breathing problem similar to asthma and recovered. Now a doctor has said that they think he has a speech delay and possible autism spectrum disorder. I received the news by letter from the Cincinnati Children's Hospital. It was recommended that he be placed in a program for these things, he should immediately be placed in preschool and that he should have a hearing test done. Unfortunately none of those things have happened yet. I can't do it because of the time when my son is with me nobody is in the offices. The magistrate over the custody case has until I believe august 20th to make a decision on custody. He said back in April his mind was made up and it looked very good for me but with it taking so long all I know to do is continue to pray and ask for more prayer on behalf of this situation. Also Ohio passed a law known as SB117 which cripples Public Access Television. I work in public access so I need prayer that God would open the doors that He has for me for a job and God willing to be able to serve full time in christian writing/television industry. Thank you for your prayers and support.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tough Times

I have been very busy as of late with a great deal of changes going on in life. Ohio passed a law that will go into effect on Sept. 23, 2007 that will cripple public access television. I currently work in public access and it's a very difficult time now for everyone involved. I have been expecting word on my custody trial for my son. It could happen any day and the magistrate seemed to be ready to send my son to me full time, he currently stays with me 3 days a week. Despite the True Ghost Stories from Ohio series not being a very Godly project I have learned a great deal and plan to apply it in all my ministries. I preached my first Sunday sermon last month and look forward to what God has for me and my family. Please pray for me and my son that we walk according to God's will not man's will and that we walk through the doors he has opened.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I will be having the website totally revamped shortly. Everything will be different. With all the great things going on and doors opening up I know that I need a much more professional site. Look for some major transitions coming up soon.

God Bless,


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What's going on?

I thought with all that's going on and a lack of updates I would begin to do a blog. I've been very busy completing "True Ghost Stories from Ohio volume 2." I'm signed on for a third volume also. We had to find a new host due to our prior hosts health problems. Please keep him in your prayers. I have completed my first book "He's the pen, I'm the paper." It's going to be released through Xulon Press the largest christian book publisher in the world. It will be available on and, and hopefully a store near you in april 2008. I am planning a book tour but so far it's slow going. I plan to show up to the national association for religious broadcasting in Tenn. next year to pitch Heartland in hopes of getting it off the ground and on tv. It's been a very busy summer and I will be hitting the press trail this fall for the 2nd ghost dvd. So please keep my family and myself in prayer.